Friday, January 28, 2011

Victory Brewing Company Golden Monkey Review: It's no IPA, but I'm Learning

Victory Brewing CompanyGolden Monkey
Victory Brewing Company, Downingtown, PA

Victory has a neat little Belgian whatchama in their Golden Monkey. Yes, I'm out of my element. My taste is a product of the Pacific Northwest, and it's hop obsession. I haven't traveled through the Low Countries nor have I been schooled in the nuance and interplay of sour sweet acidity that heralds the your entry to the "Disneyland of beers." Go easy; I'm a child of divorce. Golden Monkey is an exceedingly clear liquid, even compared to Budweiser. The best advice I can give is don't start with this one unless you are entertaining western European guests or end with it either, as the aftertaste is not what you'd want to go home with.  Me personally? I want to snuggle up with a beautifully balanced IPA before bed, but I digress. I suppose the final word I have on this one is "try" it. I assume that little Belgian boys and girls had to try it at one point before they got so damn sophisticated, so that's my advice to you.


Style: Belgian Tripel Ale
ABV: 9.5%
Available: Victory's beers are distributed in roughly half the states in the Union and sold by Bevmo.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sierra Nevada Estate Ale Review: Beer for Beer Snobs

Estate Ale
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico, CA
I have a theory that the more difficult opening a beverage is, the better the drinking experience inside. Cheap wines often come in bottles with screw tops, allowing us to get drunk quickly. More expensive wines invariably come corked, and getting the damn cork out of the bottle is sometimes the most difficult part of the day. Beer follows a similar pattern. Tasteless, yellow fizz comes in cans with tabs. Sure the beer smells of aluminum, but think how easy it is to get it out of the can! Twist-off caps are more difficult; we must twist, burning up a calorie that we have carefully stored through drinking beer. The best beer usually comes from bottles with pop tops. Pop tops require a tool -- only humans, with our opposable thumbs, can get to the beer inside. 
None of these packaging choices was complicated enough for Sierra Nevada’s Estate Ale. Each is too easy. We cannot properly appreciate a beer like Estate Ale without struggling to open it. To assure that we do respect the beer, Sierra Nevada dipped the sealed bottle in Kevlar-reinforced wax. The damn thing is nearly impossible to open. Getting the top off took patience and a chainsaw. My wedding took less planning.
Once I got the bottle open though, the experience was magnificent. Fresh grapefruit aromas met my nose even before I began to pour. The Estate poured a golden color with a nice, off-white, lingering head. The flavor was well balanced with sweet, toasty malts and citrusy hops mingling nicely. 
Those beer drinkers who find IPAs to be frequently too bitter should still be able to enjoy this ale. Estate Ale is also 100% organic for hippies.

Style: Ale
ABV: 6.7%
Available: Total Wine

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tell Us About Interesting Beers

We drink a lot of beer here at Beer Snark, but we can't get to every delicious beer at once. Have a beer that you want us to try? Let us know. We love any excuse to drink more beer, especially if it is good. Tell us where to find it, and we'll drink it and post about the experience here.


Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier: A Pleasantly Mediocre Hef

Paulaner, Munich, Germany

This lightly sour, cloudy, and orange wheat is not what I'd have thought to pair with a burger. Well actually in this case it's portobello burger, but I think the remark "pleasant surprise" is warranted. This beer actually has a way of preserving and lifting the savory favors without destroying your pallet. Again I'd believe this observation would hold true for beef's flesh as well. That said, I don't feel like this one distinguishes itself as a unique Hef and that's ok; I'm not disappointed, but at the same time it isn't a brew I'd walk a block for considering the ubiquity of Widmer's.  


Style: Hefe-Wiezen
ABV: 5.5%
Available: Widely Distributed
Tasted: Burgers and Brew, Sacramento, CA

Beer Snark's Purpose

The primary purpose of Beer Snark is to allow us to taunt people into drinking good beer. Beer Snark's ultimate goal is to promote the craft beer industry in the United States and around the world at the expense of bland, American-style lagers. If you have stumbled upon our humble blog, you must either like good beer, want to like good beer, or your Google machine is broken. At Beer Snark, we care not how you arrived, only that you drink good beer. We employ a highly scientific tasting and rating system that enables us to review beers objectively and accurately; if we like a beer, we will say so in a snarky way. If we hate a beer, we will say so in as snide a manner as is humanly possible. You have our word.