The last bitterly honest beer review blog in the world, Beer Snark reviews beers from around the world.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Beer Snark's Purpose
The primary purpose of Beer Snark is to allow us to taunt people into drinking good beer. Beer Snark's ultimate goal is to promote the craft beer industry in the United States and around the world at the expense of bland, American-style lagers. If you have stumbled upon our humble blog, you must either like good beer, want to like good beer, or your Google machine is broken. At Beer Snark, we care not how you arrived, only that you drink good beer. We employ a highly scientific tasting and rating system that enables us to review beers objectively and accurately; if we like a beer, we will say so in a snarky way. If we hate a beer, we will say so in as snide a manner as is humanly possible. You have our word.