Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Divide Hibernation Ale Review: Can Ryan Find Anything in this Beer to Complain About?

Hibernation Ale: Is year round
too much to ask?
Great Divide Brewing Company has produced an outstanding strong English-style ale with Hibernation. This beer is truly difficult to complain about, but I'll try. The beer pours a dark brown with a light tan head, which dissipated cleanly. The aroma was a nice balance of maltiness and hops, quite pleasant. Failing to disappoint, the Hibernation also balanced well on the tongue, but with a bit of a bitter, hoppy punch. I found something to complain about! Supposedly, Great Divide dry hops this beer, but I didn't detect the usual strong hop aromas that come from dry hopping. Another thing that I don't like: Hibernation is a winter seasonal. Do not buy this beer if you value strong dry-hopped aromas or if you like good ale!


Style: English Brown Ale
ABV: 8.7%
Availability: Nationwide with a few exceptions, such as Utah, which hates beer and America