Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eel River Acai Berry Wheat Review: What the hell is Acai berry and why is it in my beer?

Eel River's Acai Wheat
I admit it; I'm being hypocritical, but Eel River nearly lost me before I even tried this beer. I hate fruit in my beer. To me, beer and fruit go together like Israelis and Palestinians. Eel River did not just go local farmers' market for this particular fruit either. The brewery went all the way to the Amazon for this nearly unpronounceable flavor adjunct. I don't mean to complain, but I suspect that Eel River chose Acai berry not for its flavor characteristics, but for its marketing potential to hipsters.

The beer itself poured golden and cloudy, with no hint of pink food coloring. The berry aroma hit my nose immediately, which was a bit of a surprise considering the lack of berry color. The taste was tart, not sweet, and filled with berry. The beer finished with a strong wheat presence.

The overall effect of the Acai berry and wheat partnership was refreshment. Despite the organic hippy nonsense on the label, I like this beer.


Style: Wheat Ale/Fruit Beer
ABV: 4.0%
Availability: Specialty stores nationwide