Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trader Joe's Bohemian Lager Review: Surprisingly Drinkable

Trader Joe’s Bohemian Lager
Trader Joe’s Brewing Company, San Jose, CA

Trader Joe's Bohemian Lager at a Glance
Style: Lager
Appearance: Clear, pale gold
Aroma: Creamed corn
Taste: Hint of sweetness, hint of bitterness
Verdict: An average, drinkable lager at a reasonable price

Full disclosure: I love Trader Joe's. It is a great place to buy packed foods that don't taste like salt. I can also usually trust TJ's products to be of high quality and decent taste.

Enter TJ's Bohemian Lager. My expectations going in were that it would be drinkable but likely not great.

TJ's Bohemian Lager - drinkable, just barely
The Bohemian Lager provided a clear, golden pour as it flowed from the bottle. The decent initial head quickly faded to Bolivia, leaving sad looking clumps of foam in its wake. The lager smelled like creamed corn, which is not what I would have hoped. It didn't taste much better either; there was nothing much there except for a hint of bitterness and a hint of sweetness. However, it finished cleanly with no lingering nastiness.

Like much of San Jose, where this beer is brewed, Trader Joe's Bohemian Lager is mostly forgettable
Fans of Trader Joe’s will point out that the quirky grocery stocks thousands of delicious products in its stores. Fans of beer will point out that this is not one of those products. Still, it's drinkable, and you could do a hell of a lot worse.

Style: Czech Pils
ABV: 5.0%
Available: Trader Joe’s nationwide