Saturday, July 9, 2011

Odanata Beer Company Saison Review: Odanata Brews a Damn Fine Saison

Odanata Beer Company, Sacramento, CA

Sour beer sounds disgusting, as if it were a home brew experiment gone awry. With its Saison, Odanata Brewery attempts to convince Americans that “sour” and “beer” go together. Sure, the Belgians have made sour beer for centuries, but they also put mayonnaise on their goddamn french fries. On the nose, this bottle-conditioned saison hints at the sour, citrusy experience inside. It pours with a creamy, enduring head and a golden color. The beer hits your tongue with wheat and refreshing citrus tones, providing a much more interesting experience than Blue Moon, Shock Top, or the like. The longer you let this saison linger, the sourer it gets, like marrying the wrong woman. But, count me among the converted. I could drink this beer all summer and all winter long.

Odanta Beer Company's Saison is one of my absolute favorites.

Style: Saison
ABV: 6.4%
Availability: Sacramento, CA and surrounds only


Other beers that may interest you:
Sam Adams' Rustic Saison
De Proef Brewerij's Saison Imperiale
Odanata Beer Company's Saison Ale